Tips to start your meditation journey

You have probably heard so many good things about meditation, but you feel your mind resisting and whispering that it's not for you.

Don't give in to your mind; instead, learn how to tame your mind by learning how to meditate. The first thing to begin your meditation practice is to START.

Before starting your meditation practice, be clear about your why

Why would you like to meditate? 

What would you like to achieve?

What's your intention for your meditation practice? 

If you have a clear intention, it's much easier to commit to your practice, especially when you feel tired and don't feel like meditating.

Now that you are all set with your intention decide when you would like to meditate and set the timer (the best time is first thing in the morning when your mind is not so active).

If you have never meditated before, start with only 1 minute daily. Here are some tips: 

  • Make a habit of meditating in the same place every time.

  • Wear comfortable clothing, especially around your waist.

  • If you are cold, cover yourself up with a blanket.

  • If you are tired, it's probably better to rest first before meditating.

  • If your tummy is full, wait at least 2 hours before meditating.

As for your posture, the main thing is to have your spine tall, straight, and in line with your neck and head.

You can meditate seated on a chair or cushion. You can also meditate lying down; however, if you are a beginner, it's easier to fall asleep.

Once you are in a nice and quiet place where you won't be disturbed, begin by focusing on breathing, inhaling, and exhaling. 

If thoughts come to mind, simply allow yourself to observe them without interacting with them.

Bring your awareness back to your breath over and over and over again. Focus your attention on the here and now.

Lastly, here are 3 points to remember about meditation: 

Meditation is a practice where the mind is encouraged to focus on the breath, a sound, or an object. 

Meditation is a practice where the mind is encouraged to relax by simply observing the thoughts without interaction.

Meditation is a practice where the mind is encouraged to become aware of any sensations, feelings, emotions, or sounds.


Visualising your goals


The power of building positive habits