Why do we find it so hard to love ourselves?
Many of us have an inner critic who constantly judges, compares, and finds fault with ourselves. This critical voice often stems from childhood experiences, past traumas, societal expectations, or internalised messages from family, peers, and media. Over time, these repeated negative thoughts erode our self-esteem and make self-love feel difficult or even undeserved.
Top 5 Meditation Practices for Stress Relief.
In this guide, we’ll explore the top 5 meditation practices for stress relief—each designed to help you cultivate calm, enhance focus, and bring inner peace. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned practitioner, these methods can be tailored to your needs, making it easier to integrate mindfulness into your daily routine. Let’s dive in and find the perfect practice for you.
Meditation and Car Accidents
There is no time for stopping or pondering on life. It’s a constant go, go, go, rush, rush, rush. It’s almost impossible for the Universe to have some people’s attention.
Heartfelt Meditation Retreats: Finding Connection and Healing
We spend numerous hours in our lives cleaning our homes and our cars. Somehow, when it comes to focusing on cleansing the body and mind, we haven't got any energy left.
Cultivating heart-based leadership through meditation
Our feelings and emotions influence all our decisions. Meditation and awareness connect with our hearts and souls.
Heart Chakra Meditation: Balancing your Energy Centres
At the beginning of my inner work journey, I remember during a class, one of the students shared something that stayed with me.
The Art of Self-Compassion: Combining Meditation and Heartfelt Practices
Self-compassion begins with becoming aware of your thoughts, feelings, and emotions and, as such, noticing and recognizing when you're harsh or judgmental.
Soulful Heart-Opening Meditation Techniques
Most people fear being hurt; they don't want to suffer, so they shut down all feelings and emotions and tightly lock up their hearts.
Heart-Centred Meditation: Connection with your Inner-Self
Have you ever wondered who you are? But not in what it says on your birth certificate, much deeper than that.
Meditation Techniques for Seniors
The goal of meditation is to learn how to focus and control both your breathing and your mind’s tendency to wander.
Meditation for Seniors
Not only can it help control stress, but it can also positively impact attention span, memory, verbal fluency, processing speed, overall cognitive flexibility, conflict monitoring, and even creativity.
Healthy Habits for Today to Give You a Better Tomorrow by Melissa Howard of Stopsuicide.info
Ultimately, taking control of your health is not about restricting what you eat but more about how you live your life each day.
Spring Cleaning
Cleaning is a spiritual practice. It helps us create space for new things and new ideas to come in.
The unspoken concepts of modern society
You probably feel that if you have done what society expected, there is a gap in your heart, and something is missing.
Why did I start meditating?
Meditation is my peaceful oasis. It’s my place to relax, let go, ponder, contemplate, and cultivate self-love and self-compassion.
Discover your Animal Totem
In Native American tradition, the common terms you may hear around the spirit animal are “guides,” “animal totem” and “power animal.” Spirit animal, though not a term directly derived from Native American cultures, refers to the animals who may appear to you as guides along your journey.