Finding Peace After Car Accidents: A Journey Through Meditation and Healing
Meditation and Car Accidents When something bad happens, it’s hard to forget. When something bad happens, it’s painful to remember. When something bad happens, it leaves a mark in our Soul’s memory bank.
But what if the reason it happened is to awaken our true self and potential? What if it happened because our Soul wanted it to happen that way? Which is extremely hard to comprehend from the logical mind.
However, most of you know that there are no accidents in this world. A higher intelligence always orchestrates everything. This might be a hard pill to swallow for anyone who was ever involved in a car accident.
The Universe or Life is constantly looking for our attention. It wants to deliver us messages, signs, and wisdom. It wants us to make the most of this living experience. Of course, most people are extremely busy nowadays with myriad distractions shoved under their noses.
There is no time for stopping or pondering on life. It’s a constant go, go, go, rush, rush, rush. It’s almost impossible for the Universe to have some people’s attention. Hence, accidents are being created to make a few people slow down and begin to question life and their existence.
I know I’m being harsh here, and everyone involved in a car accident disagrees with me. The way I’m feeling is that as long as no one dies, car accidents might be an opportunity to wake up and start living in alignment with your heart and Soul. Driving seems unfathomable.
There is the crippling fear of what will happen. And that’s ok because you are only human. If this happens to you, stay with the fear, breathe into the fear, and ask the fear what it wants from you. Stay with the fear until you move beyond it and reach the other side where love resides. Is this easy to do? No, it isn’t.
But you can give it a go in your meditation practice. Find a comfortable posture, close your eyes, and begin focusing on your breathing. Feel the inhale, release the exhale. Again, and again, and again. Emotions will come up. Release them. Feelings will bubble up. Let them go. And then the fear.
The biggest and most terrifying emotion of all. Breathe into fear, and release some of the fear as you exhale. You can do it. You have done bigger things than this. Breathe into fear until fear has no more power over you.
Visualise driving at your favourite location on Earth. Just breathe, stay calm and drive. You can do it. Enjoy the scenery. Nothing bad it’s going to happen to you. You are in control. How do I know you are in control? Because you're fully present in this moment. When we are present, our reactions are much quicker.
Breathe, stay calm and drive. Perhaps many good things have happened in your life since your car accident. Things that would not have happened otherwise. Breathe, stay calm and drive. Trust that everything happens for our highest good.
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