Spring Cleaning

I spent the past two weeks going through all my cupboards, cleaning, tidying up, and letting go of what I didn’t need.

I’m a minimalist.

I only keep a few things of everything.

I constantly get rid of things. Still, during the last two weeks, I found plenty of things to give to charity or throw away.

My “addiction” to throwing things or giving them to charity drives my family nuts.

Despite that, I don’t see the point in keeping things that aren’t serving us anymore.

The items around us require our attention and energy to be in good shape. The more things we have, the more energy we need to give them.

Why do people spring clean?

Spring cleaning takes place for countless reasons:

  1. You get to create space

  2. Empty cupboards

  3. Declutter

  4. Reorganise

  5. Remember items you have forgotten you have and decide what to keep and what to let go.

  6. Discover what you don’t want to spend your money on in the future

  7. Cleaning

  8. Give stuff away

  9. Clear the energy

Cleaning is a spiritual practice. It helps us create space for new things and new ideas to come in.

Are you ready for spring cleaning?


Healthy Habits for Today to Give You a Better Tomorrow by Melissa Howard of Stopsuicide.info


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